Fro m R oseville, h ead wes t unti l yo u reac h th e s wamp. GolderChest #3 The third Golden Chest is located in The GreatwerWitcforesthwood, inthe southeasternpartofthemapFromBroomstowhead southuntil youreachadarkpatchofforestGoleftattheforkintheroadandyou’llfindthechestnestledamongthetreesĤth Go ld en Ch est#4 The fourth loca ted i n th e Swam py Mire, i n t he nor thwest er n par t o f t h e m ap. Climb up the ledges on the left side to find a chest tucked away at the top. From Snowpaw Village, head east until you reach a frozen waterfall. The second Golden Chest is located in the Snowflame Kingdom, in the northeastern part of the map. Head to the castle ruins southwest of Feliz and look for a chest hidden behind some rubble. The first Golden Chest is located in the Felingard Kingdom, in the southwestern part of the map. This guide will tell you the locations of all nine Golden Chests. They are well-hidden, and often require some platforming skill to reach. There are a total of nine Golden Chests to be found in Cat Quest. Report this ad Cat Quest Golden Chest Locations
The town is home to a variety of shops and NPCs, including the blacksmith, who can upgrade the player’s weapons the merchant, who sells items and Pawsome, who gives out side quests. It is located in the middle of the map, and is where the player will receive their first quest. In Cat Quest, Gentle Town is the first town players will visit. Once you’ve got your hands on some extra cash, be sure to spend it wisely! Where is Gentle Town in Cat Quest

If you’re having trouble finding one, try checking online maps or ask other players for help. There is no guarantee that you’ll find a gold chest when exploring the world, but they are relatively common so it’s worth keeping an eye out for them. When you open one, you’ll receive a random amount of gold, anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand pieces. They can be found all over the world, usually near important locations like towns or dungeons. Gold chests in Cat Quest are a great way to get some quick and easy gold. Be sure to check out all of the game’s secrets before finishing up – there are plenty of hidden treasures and easter eggs waiting to be discovered! Once you reach the end of the main questline, you’ll be able to explore Cat Quest at your leisure and complete any remaining side quests or activities that you want to do. As you defeat enemies, they will drop loot which can be used to upgrade your weapons and armor. The key to success in combat is to use your abilities wisely, and keep moving so that you don’t get surrounded. You’ll quickly find yourself up against hordes of enemy cats, as well as giant spiders and other fearsome creatures. Once you’ve chosen an area, speak to the cat NPC there to start the questline. There are four different areas to choose from, each with its own unique enemies and challenges. The first thing you’ll need to do is choose a starting area for your adventure.
We’ll also provide some tips on how to best take down the game’s many bosses. Welcome to our Cat Quest walkthrough! In this guide, we’ll show you how to complete the main questline of the game, as well as all of the side quests and activities that are available.

Be careful though – if you stay on the water for too long, you’ll start to take damage. Once you have this ability, just approach any body of water and press A/X to walk on it. In Cat Quest, you can actually walk on water! All you need to do is get the Waterwalking ability, which is found in the Eastern Tundra. Once all five seals have been activated, a treasure chest containing the Golden Key will appear in your home base camp. One of these seals is located in each kingdom: Felingard, Ilmara, Urcaia, Dragalia, and Glastonbury Tor. She will drop the key when defeated.ģ) Find all five of the magical seals hidden around Tevra and activate them. There are three ways to get the Golden Key:ġ) Purchase it from the Shopkeeper for 500 gold.Ģ) Complete the side quest “A Meowtain of Trouble” and defeat the Fire Claw Queen. This chamber contains the final boss of the game, so it is essential that you obtain the key in order to progress. In Cat Quest 2, the Golden Key is a very important item that allows you to access the Golden Chamber. Retrieve the key and return it to the Guildmaster.Defeat the monster blocking your way to the key.Talk to the NPC who has the key you need.Pick up the quest from the Guildmaster in the capital city.